How to Tell The Four Directions (North, South, East and West)?

"What is north, south, east or west?" If you've ever wondered where the sun sets or where the sun rises, read this article to find out how you can determine your location's four cardinal directions and get the best Vastu Consultant.

What Directions Are North, South, East and West?

In North India, we typically think of north as being up on a map. But if you were to stand at the North Pole, facing south would actually be down on a map. So, which way is north? It all depends on your perspective.

The four cardinal directions are north, south, east and west. But there are also intermediate directions, such as northeast and southwest. You can remember the cardinal directions by using the acronym "NESW" (which stands for North, East, South, West).

To help you visualize this, imagine that you are standing in the center of a compass. The direction that is directly in front of you is due north. The direction to your right is east, the direction behind you is south, and the direction to your left is west.

If you're having trouble remembering which way is which, just think about the sun. In North India, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. So if you're facing the rising sun, that's east; if you're facing the setting sun, that's west. North and south are a little trickier to remember, but you can usually find north by looking for the North Star (also known

Why Does The Earth Rotate?

We all know that the earth rotates on its axis, but why does it rotate? Scientists have been trying to answer this question for centuries and there are still many theories about why our planet spins. Some say that the earth rotates because of the force of gravity, while others believe that it’s due to the momentum from the Big Bang. Regardless of the reason, the rotation of the earth is essential for life as we know it. 

Without this rotation, we would have longer days and shorter nights, and eventually, the days and nights would become so long that they would merge into one another. Additionally, the seasons would be drastically different without the earth’s rotation. For example, winter in North India would last six months instead of three, and summer would be non-existent. So next time you’re feeling dizzy from spinning around in circles, just remember that you’re doing what comes natural to our planet!


How To Tell Which Way is North?

There are a few different ways that you can use to figure out which way is north. One way is to use a compass. If you have a compass, you can simply hold it in your hand and wait for the needle to settle. Once the needle has stopped moving, it will point in the direction of north.

Another way that you can determine which way is north is by using the position of the sun. In the Northern Hemisphere, the sun will always be in the southern sky. So, if you are facing the sun, then north will be behind you.

You can also use the stars to figure out which way is north. The North Star, or Polaris, is located directly above the North Pole. So, if you can find Polaris in the night sky, then you will know which way is north.

No matter which method you use, figuring out which way is north can be a helpful skill to have. Knowing which way is north can help you orient yourself when you are lost, and it can also help you find your way back home if you ever get lost in the wilderness.


How to Tell Which Way is East?

One of the most important skills for survival in the wilderness is being able to orient yourself and know which direction you are heading. This can be especially difficult if you find yourself in an area with no landmarks or familiar reference points.

There are several methods you can use to determine which way is east, even if you're in the middle of nowhere.

One method is to use the position of the sun. In the morning, the sun will be located in the east and will travel across the sky towards the west. If it is midday, the sun will be directly overhead, and if it is evening, the sun will be in the west and setting towards the east.

Another way to determine which way is east is by using a stick and a shadow. Stick the stick straight into the ground so that it casts a shadow. Mark the end of the shadow with a stone or other marker. Wait 10-15 minutes and then mark the new end of the shadow. The line formed by these two points will run from north to south, with east being on the side of the line where the shadow is shorter (since this is where the sun is currently located).

How to Tell Which Direction Is West?

As the sun sets in the west, you can use its position to help you determine which direction is west. Simply stand with your back to the sun and west will be in front of you. If you're in the northern hemisphere, the sun will set in the northwest corner of the sky; in the southern hemisphere, it will set in the southwest corner and get the best advice Vastu for office. During daytime, you can also find west by locating the point where the sun is directly overhead at noon.


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